Here are several codes of ethics and policy statements for bloggers.
- proposed Code of Blogging Ethics (including various revisions as well as comments from others)
- Bloggers' Code of Ethics ( modification of Society of Professional Journalists code)
- code of ethics of EthicaLeft blog (modification of Society of Professional Journalists code)
- The Metropolis Times blog code of ethics (based on, above)
- Code of ethics (Desirable Roasted Coffee blog, by Allen Jenkins)
- Code of ethics for blogging (Conservative Progress, based on the Desirable Roasted Coffee blog code, above)
- Plaxo Public Internet Communication Policy (Plaxo)
- Thomas Nelson blogging guidelines
- Feedster corporate blogging
- website and weblog guidelines (attributed to John Robb, "former CEO of one of the blogging companies," in Electronic Recruiting News, July, 2003)
- Yahoo! blog guidelines
- MSN blogging policy
- sample Corporate blogging policy and sample Blogger code of ethics (from Forrester Best Practice report by Charlene Li)
- terms of use, Weblogs at Harvard University (cited in Charlene Li blog, above)
- Sarasota Herald Tribune Blogging Policy (cited in Charlen Li blog, above)
- Sun Microsystems Policy on Public Discourse
- The Corporate Weblog Manifesto (Scobleizer blog, cited in Charlene Li blog, above)
- Disclosure Statement (JOHO, Journal of Hyperlinked Organization, cited in Charlene Li blog, above)
- IBM blogging policy and guidelines