Journalism Codes of Ethics – Outside U.S. and International

The following are links to codes of ethics of non-U.S. or international associations of journalists and other facets of news and information production and distribution. (Related topics: for codes of ethics of particular newspapers, refer to Newspapers' codes category; for creative writing associations' codes, see the Honesty Creativity blog.)'s MediaWise Trust has a virtually exhaustive collection of journalistic codes of conduct of press associations (as well as specific newspapers) from around the world, which you can see by using the search-by-country menu here:

"We would like to acknowledge the work of Professor Claude-Jean Bertrand of Media Accountability Systems in collecting Codes of Ethics from around the world." They state that "…every effort has been made to secure the most up-to-date versions of these codes" and request that if you know of changes to those listed, or of any that they have not been able to obtain, to please contact them.