Here are a few articles pertaining to writing ethical wills. (Related topic: Refer to Ethical Wills category)
Category: Writing codes of ethics, pledges, etc.
How to Write Codes of Ethics, Pledges, etc.
The following articles, arranged randomly, provide various perspectives on how to create a code of ethics primarily. And most also relate either directly or indirectly to other forms of promise (i.e., oaths, pledges, etc.).
- Guidance for writing a code of ethics (Chris MacDonald, Ph.D.)
- Suggested elements for all ethical codes (The Toronto Resolution)
- Codes of Ethics: Who Needs Them? by Eric Matthews This article explains the rationale for the declaration that the author designed for medical graduates of the University of Aberdeen. He makes an intentional distinction between an "oath," such as that of Hippocrates, and this "declaration."
- Worksheet for designing your own code of honor (Lesson Connection: Chivalry and Courtly Love, the Kennedy Center)
- "The Seven Knightly Virtues: Essential Elements of Today's Code of Chivalry" (Scott Farrell)
- MediaWise position paper on journalism Codes of Conduct
- Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers (Carter McNamara, MAP For Non-Profits)
- "Establishing a code of ethics" (Institute of Business Ethics):
(from "Identifying Community Values," in Taking Responsibility: Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behaviour in Maine Schools and Communities Institute For Global Ethics and Maine Department of Education)
1 . Objectively identify community members. Differences in lifestyles or politics are not a justification for exclusion from this process.
2 . Convene a diverse and representative group of community members to discuss and identify community values and expectations for behavior.
3 . Ask community members to imagine that the task is to choose a certain number of values to be engraved above the main entries of all lo