Writers Software SuperCenter
   Writers Software SuperCenter LLC presents...
The One Stop  
for Writers Software & Writing/Editing Services
Writers Software SuperCenter

writersupercenter.com - Your Writing Partner Since 1997

Endings are always problematic. If it's a simple love story either the couple winds up together or they don't. If it's a whodunit, either the cop finds the killer and brings him to justice, dead or alive, or he doesn't. Usually, of course, he does.

But in most other genres the ending is more complicated. If you've done an outline or 3-act breakdown or even a lengthy treatment in which you've neatly tied up everything at the end, there's nothing like writing the script and watching your characters come alive to discover that there might be an alternative--and possibly--better ending.

So watch the rigidity. As you're in the middle of Act Three and you find that things are becoming different than you had intended in your outline, go with the flow. See where it takes.

It might result in a new, cooler and more satisfying resolution to your story.


Get your script read and evaluated by the same folks who read for the agencies and studios. Discover what's right and wrong with your script and how to improve it.

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