Writers Software SuperCenter
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Writers Software SuperCenter

writersupercenter.com - Your Writing Partner Since 1997
09/28/2005 - LOSING THE THREAD

Screenplays can be moving along quite nicely, then we bring in a couple of new characters or a subplot that wasn't in our outline or we go off on a tangent that we fall in love with and twenty pages later we've lost the thread of the real story.

When you're working in a vacuum, i.e., not in a class or not bouncing pages off of anyone (preferring to wait until you get a first draft) or because there's no one you feel comfortable showing your work to it's easy to waver from your original plan. Not that wavering from your original plan is a bad thing. Sometimes an idea for a plot turn or character embellishment is just the trick to spice up your story.

But if you get too caught up in the new character(s) that pop in around page 40 or the weird tangent that takes you fifteen pages away from your primary story beware: you can lose the thread and your audience.


Get your script read and evaluated by the same folks who read for the agencies and studios. Discover what's right and wrong with your script and how to improve it.

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