

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $89.00.

MasterWriter 3.0 Software for Non-Fiction & Advertising is an incredible suite of writer's tools that makes it easy to find and use the right words, phrases, and ideas for any writing situation. Find just the right word or phrase with the tap of a button. Save hours of wracking your brain for that perfect word. Let MasterWriter do the heavy lifting!

     MasterWriter interconnects words, phrases, concepts, analogies, history, religion, and pop culture into the most remarkable, most creative, most useful set of writing tools ever assembled for putting words on paper. In other words, it is one of the most powerful software programs ever developed for the creative writer and anyone who needs the best words for what they want to say. (more)

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MasterWriter is accessed online for a one-year license ($89). If you would like to extend your license to two years instead for an additional $30, please select that option below.

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MasterWriter includes all these references, resources, and much more:

* Word Families: A unique and revolutionary reference dictionary that will open us a new world of possibilities for descriptive words and ideas, far beyond anything you will find in a thesaurus.
* Synonyms: The only electronic version of Synonym Finder, one of the best thesauruses on the market.
* Phrases: A collection of over 33,000 phrases, sayings, idioms, cliches, word combinations and more.
* The World: A unique collection of over 11,000 icons of American and World Culture that will help put colorful elements and images into your writing.
* Alliterations: Alliterate descriptive words with filters that allow you to search by part of speech, word polarity and word intensity.
* Rhymes: The ultimate rhyming dictionary with over 100,000 entries, 36,000 Rhymes-Phrases and a complete collection of close rhymes.
* Dictionary: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language provides the definition and pronunciation.
* The Bible: A complete and searchable Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
* Word Processing: A built-in word processor is included.
* Organization: Easily organize all of the information related to your projects. Come back in a week or a year and it will be there just as you left it.
* Web-based and compatible on all devices: Access MasterWriter from any computer, tablet or smart phone. Capture inspiration wherever you are.
* Every writer’s best friend: Reference dictionaries, unique features, and effortless organization all housed in one easy-to-use program is what makes MasterWriter the most powerful and efficient writing tool on the market.

Here’s What MasterWriter Users Are Saying

“MasterWriter is an absolute necessity for today’s creative writer.”
  — Bob Zemeckis – Oscar-winning writer, director and producer
“MasterWriter is a unique and invaluable collection of creative writing tools….It’s the program the right side of the brain has been waiting for.”
  — William Peter Blatty – Oscar-winning writer, director and producer
“Writing is re-writing and re-writing and re-writing. MasterWriter is the perfect tool for an impossible job. A decidedly functional helping hand in the dark.”
  — Allan Folsom – Best selling author
“Need a great vocabulary and fresh ideas? MasterWriter is like having a writing partner with an Ivy League education…Check this out!”
  — Andrew Davis – Award winning writer, director and producer
“MasterWriter has helped me perfect every script I’ve written for Criminal Minds. I’ve used it countless times in the writer’s room. Now that I have MasterWriter 3.0, a whole new world has opened up and best of all, I can access it on any device any time!”
  — James Clemente – Writer and producer of the hit TV series Criminal Minds
“When I write a book, I use a word processor and MasterWriter side by side. But whether I use Scrivener, Word or Pages, the one constant is MasterWriter. That program must be opened while I write my book. It has been invaluable in helping me to structure sentences or finding just the right word to substitute for another and in many other ways.”
  — Joe Corso – Award winning author
“MasterWriter goes beyond the dictionary and the thesaurus. For me it’s almost a writing coach. It helps me find better ways to say things.”
  — Alan Parisse – Speakers Hall of Fame
“Mark Twain said the difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and lightning. With MasterWriter I always have lightning at my fingertips.”
  — Rockne S. O’Bannon – Writer and producer
“Far as I’m concerned, MasterWriter is the best, easiest, most amazing way to find better ways to say best, easy, or amazing! It’s preternatural!”
  — Jeff Stein –Emmy Award winning writer
“When I’m struggling to find the right word, MasterWriter is always the first — and last — place I go!”
  — Manny Coto – Emmy Award winning writer and producer
“MasterWriter should be the go to resource for everyone that writes: screenwriters, songwriters, poets & novelists. It’s an organized toolbox that goes far beyond a thesaurus or dictionary. Like your mind, it works intuitively and quickly and it becomes the perfect collaborator when you need it.”
  — Anthony DiBlasi – Award winning writer, director and producer
“MasterWriter has become my ‘go to’ tool for anything remotely related to the creative process. Unsurpassable and totally unique, it expands your creative workflow without obstructing it, whilst at the same time surreptitiously educating the user with its endless dictionaries, ideas and themes. A tool that anyone in the writing business, of any description, should investigate.”
  — Chris – MasterWriter User since 2015
“I must begin by most measures what is recognized as a powerful vocabulary. I share that because frequently enough I find myself at a loss for words, my writing stalled. No more. Not since I invested in Masterwriter. “Writer’s block” can never more be an impediment or an excuse. Just moments ago, while working on a memoir, I realized my use of “joy” was entirely too redundant. I turned to Masterwriter’s list of synonyms and instantly discovered a score I could use to engage my prospective readers. I can’t calculate the value of Masterwriter to me. One of the very best investments I’ve ever made.”
  — Cameron – MasterWriter User since 2015
“This is an incredible writing tool! I’ve used version 2 for several years. Although I was hesitant to move to an ‘online subscription’, I’m super glad I did. Being able to develop ideas at work and then access the project from home, car, or even while out biking is a real asset. The way the writing tools are set up free your mind to be creative and stay focused on the project. Tech support is great. The team is friendly and prompt. I highly recommend MasterWriter to anyone who is wanting to improve their writing skills.”
  — Rob – MasterWriter User since 2013
“Hello, I am a new book author. I first came across MasterWriter in an ad in Writer’s Digest. I tried a trial and saw the program’s value immediately. It allows you to find synonyms of words, meanings, rhymes, alliterations, and more. It enables you to create beautiful sentences and verses with ease. When I’m writing, I tend to keep MasterWriter open and to use it as often as possible. It comes in handy whether I’m working on poetry, fiction, or nonfiction—all forms of writing. In addition, the program is easy and common-sense to use. In a nutshell: I highly recommend this program to take your sentences to the next level!”
  — Sonia – MasterWriter User since 2012
“I love working with Master Writer. I must admit I have become completely dependent on it. Since I began using it a couple of years ago, I now find I can scarcely compose an email without it! All word-lovers will find this program an exciting alternative to the woefully inadequate synonym finders available in most text editing programs. It is a dictionary, a thesaurus, a rhyming dictionary and an encyclopedia all-in-one. Words are grouped into ‘Word Families’ and over time, you will begin to develop lists of favorites. Never again will you find yourself haunted by that elusive ‘right word’. It is there at your fingertips along with hundreds of alternative suggestions to inspire and enlighten you. Having instant access to such riches is beyond any writer’s fondest fantasy. Goodbye writer’s block! Merely browsing through the lists of words gets the writing juices flowing. I highly recommend this program to all writers, word enthusiasts, poetry buffs, lyricists, novelists, essayists, and students.”
  — Cabbie – MasterWriter User since 2014
“I’ve been skeptical of writing programs in the past but after trying MasterWriter for only a few days, I was sold! This easy-to-use program had me up and running within moments. Any questions I had down the road were immediately answered within hours by their excellent customer service staff, who sign their name with a phone number attached. Nowhere else have I received such generous support. If you’re wondering if MasterWriter is right for you, give them a try. My last two books have been award-winning novels. Thank you, MasterWriter!”
  — Sheri – MasterWriter User since 2011
“I have had MasterWriter since 2009. Every time I open this program I am blown away at the creativity this software adds to my work! The customer service department is amazing! I would definitely recommend MasterWriter to anyone!!!”
  — Sandra – MasterWriter User since 2009
“MasterWriter software is my preferred choice as a writer. In fact, without Masterwriter my career as a writer would never have gotten started. The reason: MasterWriter developed and refined a product that has simplified and stream-lined the process of writing and given me all the tools I need to be successful as a writer. With two book writing projects currently in process, the tools built into Masterwriter, allow me as a writer to focus 100% on the creative aspects of writing. MasterWriter is a winner for writers. I highly recommend it.”
  — Jerry – MasterWriter User since 2014
“I give this program the highest rating. I wish I had it when I wrote my first novel; because it would have been done sooner without so many rewrites. I find it most useful when searing for different ways to say the same thing. It helps with those brain freeze moments. I love it and will upgrade to the next improved program when it comes out.”
  — Phyllis – MasterWriter User since 2011
“I am a novel writer, not a song writer, and consider this software one of my most trusty tools of the trade. I use Word Families and Thesaurus. With the spectrum of intensities and ability to choose specific parts of speech vs. ‘show all’ in Word Families, more often than not I find that elusively perfect word that makes the story sing. I have Scrivener (novel-writing software) and MasterWriter open at the same time whenever chugging through rough drafts, revisions, or editing of other writers’ manuscripts. I find MasterWriter’s layout and content much easier to work with than Google’s online thesauruses. I highly recommend MW for the novelists out there who have words piling up on the tips of their tongues but never spilling onto the page. This program gets two thumbs up.”
  — Holly – MasterWriter User since 2014
“With a multitude of online reference material already available, I was skeptical about my need for MasterWriter. Now, after being a very satisfied user for over a year, I can say the tool is indispensable. Moving between dictionaries is seamless and fast. I especially find the ‘Word Families’ feature handy, which never fails to list choices that had been on the tip of my tongue.”
  — Linda – MasterWriter User since 2012
“If you need a word in a hurry, your partner MasterWriter will find it for you. I’ll be honest, if you write you need MasterWriter. It is that simple. I would be lost without it.”
  — Joe – MasterWriter User since 2014
“The right, strong, smooth, succulent, colorful words for my screenplays I find here – in MasterWriter. I enjoy this software everyday. Thanks for creating this magic.”
  — Halyna – MasterWriter User since 2010
“Until finding MasterWriter my writing was on the redundant side. Although I am a bibliophile, look it up, it was hard to find software that understood me and my needs as a writer. I love to write, and when I log on to do my job as a professional essayist, I also log onto Master Writer. When I find that my writing is getting stale or blocked, I just go to my partner writing assistant MasterWriter and it gives me what I need in the way of alternate words, phrases, and so much more. I do not write without it, no writer should!”
  — Rhonda – MasterWriter User since 2015